The Sounds of Yellowstone

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  • Regular price $7.95

Beautiful Music and the Natural Symphony of Yellowstone

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A musical tribute to Yellowstone National Park. Solo piano along with acoustic guitar and violin combine with the natural ambiance of this legendary wilderness. Soothing music that will inspire a myriad of ever-changing moods and transport you to the untamed back country of this American icon. Celebrate the legacy of our first national park with a CD that's sure to become a favorite.

Yellowstone is the world's first National Park, and its awe-inspiring beauty and abundant wildlife continue to thrill visitors. Greet the morning at Grizzly Point... marvel at the mysteries of Lower Geyser Basin... experience the awesome power of Old Faithful... the magnificent elk bugling across the valley floor... the moody rumbling of distant thunder... walk in solitude along the Yellowstone River as it winds through the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Recorded on location in Yellowstone National Park, WY.

A portion of each sale is donated to The Yellowstone Association.

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